Resolving “Not clustered or the cluster service is up and online” in SQL Server patching
I faced one issue with a customer I want to share.
Customer had SQL Server 2016. While installing the security patch, they faced below error and installation failed:

After checking the Setup bootstrap Detail logs, I found the below logs:

The above logs are showing that the call to WMI class is being cancelled after 20 mins wait. We are not being able to access the class. This issue is related to WMI.
To resolve the issue, we started WBEMTEST and run WMI query “select * from win32_service”. However, the process has stuck at process called “Eaphost”:

To resolve the issue, we just stopped Eaphost process which belonged to Elastic Agent and the query succeeded afterwards:

After retrying the installation, we successfully installed the patch.
That is all :)
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